Award winners BVK/SBP congress March 2023


Best Long Oral Presentation (BVK/SBP award)

Isolated chronic fetal hypoxia results in delayed lung development and maturation using an extrauterine womb lamb model.
Maureen Peers de Nieuwburgh, UCL

Best Short Oral Presentation (BVK/SBP award)

Monitoring of varicella trends in Belgium between 2017 and 2022 through Google Trends.
Stéphanie Jacquinet, Sciensano

Best Long Oral Presentation (Nestlé award)

New consensus in Belgium regarding febrile urinary tract infections in children: diagnosis and treatment.
Joke Van Vlaenderen, Jan Palfijn Gent

Best Poster Presentation (GSK award)

The efficacy of the use of atropine in children with pallid breath holding spells: can cardiac pacemaker implantation be avoided?
Marieke Donné, UZ Gent

My PhD in 300 seconds (VUB award)

Dr Amber Van Baelen
Promotor: Prof Dr Stijn Verhulst
“Innovation in the diagnostic field: a new accurate and robust screening method for the most common lysosomal storage diseases”

Best Social Pediatric Project 2021 (award Mustela foundation)

Dr Sophie Ryckx
“Multicultural video-education on diabetes mellitus in patients who are non-native and/or illiterate”

Best Social Pediatric Project 2022 (award Mustela foundation)

Dr Katleen Ballon
“Pediatric Nursing Support in the Care Continuum of Villa Clementina”

Best BJP Manuscript 2022 (BVK/SBP award)